Главная · Болезни желудка · Сказка Ганса Христиана Андерсена - The Snow Queen (Снежная королева) на английском языке. Снежная королева

Сказка Ганса Христиана Андерсена - The Snow Queen (Снежная королева) на английском языке. Снежная королева

Soyuzmultfilm Moscow 1957 THE SNOW QUEEN Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen Screenplay: L. Grebner, L. Atamanov, N. Erdman Poems: N. Zabolotsky Song Lyrics: M. Svetlov Directed by: L. Atamanov Art Directors: A. Vinokurov, I. Shvartsman Assistant Director: N. Fedorov Director of Photography: M. Druyan Composer: A. Aivasyan Sound: N. Prilutsky Editor: L. Kyaksht Animators: F. Khitruk, E. Khludova, K. Chikin, R. Mirenkova, T. Fyodorova, V. Krumin, L. Reztsova, V. Likhachev, I. Podgorsky, V. Dolgikh, E. Komova, G. Novozhilov Animators" Assistants: B. Korneev, L. Model, A. Dudnikov Director"s Assistants: V. Shilina, L. Goryacheva, N. Orlova Camera Operator"s Assistants: N. Klimova, E. Rizo Background Painters: I. Svetlitsa, O. Gemmerling, P. Korobayev, D. Anpilov Production Manager: F. Ivanov Parts voiced by: Ole-Lukoie: V. Gribkov Gerda: Y. Zheimo Kay: A. Komolova Snow Queen: M. Babanova Little Robber Girl: G. Kozhakina Hans Christian Andersen "Fairy Tales and Stories" Wait. Wait. First umbrella. Second umbrella. Hmm. Hans Christian Andersen "Fairy Tales and Stories" Well, hello there. I"m very glad to see you. Hello to you too, dear friend of all the children in the world, Hans Christian Andersen. Birds, flowers, chairs, and even this old cupboard... all told him their fairy tales and stories. He learned a few tales from me as well. He said about me, "No one in the world knows more fairy tales than Ole-Lukoie." Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ole-Lukoie. The ancients used to call me the God of Dreams. But judge for yourself... do I really look like a god? I"m just a little man who works magic. At nights, when your lay your head on your pillow and get under your blanket, I creep up on tiptoe to each of you and blow gently on the back of your head... When I do that, you shut your eyes and you... fall asleep. Then I open my little umbrella... this one, with all the colors, over all the good, kind children. Then I twirl it just like this... and all night long they dream about wonderful fairy tales! This is the other umbrella. It"s for the naughty children. I open it and they fall asleep as well, but they just lie there like logs and don"t have any dreams at all. But since I have no doubt that all of you are very good, nice, obedient, and you aren"t bullies or lazybones, I"ll tell you a wonderful fairy tale. Listen and watch. In front of you is an ancient town. Gerda, Gerda, you are watering the street. Oh, what have I done? Good thing that he didn"t look up. There isn"t a cloud in the sky! Look, look! A swallow brought a little flower. Yes. I want to give you a present too. Here, I grew it for you. And I grew this one for you, Gerda. Thank you. Kay, let"s plant them in one pot. All right. Like that. And let them be inseparable. Just like us. - And let them be friends. - Just like us. And let them love each other. And let them love each other, - just like us. - Yes. - Kay! - Gerda! I"m coming! I"m coming! Goodbye, Gerda. Goodbye, Kay. They loved each other very much. During summer they played in their airy garden, and when the rains began, followed by winter with its long nights, Kay visited Gerda, and Gerda"s grandmother told the children fairy tales. How marvelous it is, children, to listen to the logs crackling on the fire when it"s cold out! Look, the snow is falling again, and every snowflake is like a little white bee. Grandmother, tell us, where do these white bee snowflakes come from? From the north. They fly here over cold seas, in icy winds, through blizzards and fogs. They are loyal servants of the Snow Queen. An ice palace stands there. The Snow Queen herself lives in that palace. Is she beautiful? Words cannot describe how beautiful she is. She"s made entirely of ice, of brilliant, sparkling ice, but she"s alive. Her eyes shine like

There came a soldier marching down the high road-one, two! one, two! He had his knapsack on his back and his sword at his side as he came home from the wars. On the road he met a witch, an ugly old witch, a witch whose lower lip dangled right down on her chest.

"Good evening, soldier," she said. "What a fine sword you"ve got there, and what a big knapsack. Aren"t you every inch a soldier! And now you shall have money, as much as you please."

"That"s very kind, you old witch," said the soldier.

"See that big tree." The witch pointed to one near by them. "It"s hollow to the roots. Climb to the top of the trunk and you"ll find a hole through which you can let yourself down deep under the tree. I"ll tie a rope around your middle, so that when you call me I can pull you up again."

"What would I do deep down under that tree?" the soldier wanted to know.

"Fetch money," the witch said. "Listen. When you touch bottom you"ll find yourself in a great hall. It is very bright there, because more than a hundred lamps are burning. By their light you will see three doors. Each door has a key in it, so you can open them all.

"If you walk into the first room, you"ll see a large chest in the middle of the floor. On it sits a dog, and his eyes are as big as saucers. But don"t worry about that. I"ll give you my blue checked apron to spread out on the floor. Snatch up that dog and set him on my apron. Then you can open the chest and take out as many pieces of money as you please. They are all copper.

"But if silver suits you better, then go into the next room. There sits a dog and his eyes are as big as mill wheels. But don"t you care about that. Set the dog on my apron while you line your pockets with silver.

"Maybe you"d rather have gold. You can, you know. You can have all the gold you can carry if you go into the third room. The only hitch is that there on the money-chest sits a dog, and each of his eyes is as big as the Round Tower of Copenhagen. That"s the sort of dog he is. But never you mind how fierce he looks. Just set him on my apron and he"ll do you no harm as you help yourself from the chest to all the gold you want."

"That suits me," said the soldier. "But what do you get out of all this, you old witch? I suppose that you want your share."

"No indeed," said the witch. "I don"t want a penny of it. All I ask is for you to fetch me an old tinder box that my grandmother forgot the last time she was down there."

"Good," said the soldier. "Tie the rope around me."

"Here it is," said the witch, "and here"s my blue checked apron."

The soldier climbed up to the hole in the tree and let himself slide through it, feet foremost down into the great hall where the hundreds of lamps were burning, just as the witch had said. Now he threw open the first door he came to. Ugh! There sat a dog glaring at him with eyes as big as saucers.

"You"re a nice fellow," the soldier said, as he shifted him to the witch"s apron and took all the coppers that his pockets would hold. He shut up the chest, set the dog back on it, and made for the second room. Alas and alack! There sat the dog with eyes as big as mill wheels.

"Don"t you look at me like that." The soldier set him on the witch"s apron. "You"re apt to strain your eyesight." When he saw the chest brimful of silver, he threw away all his coppers and filled both his pockets and knapsack with silver alone. Then he went into the third room. Oh, what a horrible sight to see! The dog in there really did have eyes as big as the Round Tower, and when he rolled them they spun like wheels.

"Good evening," the soldier said, and saluted, for such a dog he had never seen before. But on second glance he thought to himself, "This won"t do." So he lifted the dog down to the floor, and threw open the chest. What a sight! Here was gold and to spare. He could buy out all Copenhagen with it. He could buy all the cake-woman"s sugar pigs, and all the tin soldiers, whips, and rocking horses there are in the world. Yes, there was really money!

In short order the soldier got rid of all the silver coins he had stuffed in his pockets and knapsack, to put gold in their place. Yes sir, he crammed all his pockets, his knapsack, his cap, and his boots so full that he scarcely could walk. Now he was made of money. Putting the dog back on the chest he banged out the door and called up through the hollow tree:

"Pull me up now, you old witch."

"Have you got the tinder box?" asked the witch.

"Confound the tinder box," the soldier shouted. "I clean forgot it."

When he fetched it, the witch hauled him up. There he stood on the highroad again, with his pockets, boots, knapsack and cap full of gold.

"What do you want with the tinder box?" he asked the old witch.

"None of your business," she told him. "You"ve had your money, so hand over my tinder box."

"Nonsense," said the soldier. "I"ll take out my sword and I"ll cut your head off if you don"t tell me at once what you want with it."

"I won"t," the witch screamed at him.

So he cut her head off. There she lay! But he tied all his money in her apron, slung it over his shoulder, stuck the tinder box in his pocket, and struck out for town.

It was a splendid town. He took the best rooms at the best inn, and ordered all the good things he liked to eat, for he was a rich man now because he had so much money. The servant who cleaned his boots may have thought them remarkably well worn for a man of such means, but that was before he went shopping. Next morning he bought boots worthy of him, and the best clothes. Now that he had turned out to be such a fashionable gentleman, people told him all about the splendors of their town-all about their King, and what a pretty Princess he had for a daughter.

"Where can I see her?" the soldier inquired.

"You can"t see her at all," everyone said. "She lives in a great copper castle inside all sorts of walls and towers. Only the King can come in or go out of it, for it"s been foretold that the Princess will marry a common soldier. The King would much rather she didn"t."

"I"d like to see her just the same," the soldier thought. But there was no way to manage it,

Now he lived a merry life. He went to the theatre, drove about in the

King"s garden, and gave away money to poor people. This was to his credit, for he remembered from the old days what it feels like to go without a penny in your pocket. Now that he was wealthy and well dressed, he had all too many who called him their friend and a genuine gentleman. That pleased him

But he spent money every day without making any, and wound up with only two coppers to his name. He had to quit his fine quarters to live in a garret, clean his own boots, and mend them himself with a darning needle. None of his friends came to see him, because there were too many stairs to climb.

One evening when he sat in the dark without even enough money to buy a candle, he suddenly remembered there was a candle end in the tinder box that he had picked up when the witch sent him down the hollow tree. He got out the tinder box, and the moment he struck sparks from the flint of it his door burst open and there stood a dog from down under the tree. It was the one with eyes as big as saucers.

"What," said the dog, "is my lord"s command?"

"What"s this?" said the soldier. "Have I got the sort of tinder box that will get me whatever I want? Go get me some money," he ordered the dog. Zip! The dog was gone. Zip! He was back again, with a bag full of copper in his mouth.

Now the soldier knew what a remarkable tinder box he had. Strike it once and there was the dog from the chest of copper coins. Strike it twice and here came the dog who had the silver. Three times brought the dog who guarded gold.

Back went the soldier to his comfortable quarters. Out strode the soldier in fashionable clothes. Immediately his friends knew him again, because they liked him so much.

Then the thought occurred to him, "Isn"t it odd that no one ever gets to see the Princess? They say she"s very pretty, but what"s the good of it as long as she stays locked up in that large copper castle with so many towers? Why can"t I see her? Where"s my tinder box?" He struck a light and, zip! came the dog with eyes as big as saucers.

"It certainly is late," said the soldier. "Practically midnight. But I do want a glimpse of the Princess, if only for a moment."

Out the door went the dog, and before the soldier could believe it, here came the dog with the Princess on his back. She was sound asleep, and so pretty that everyone could see she was a Princess. The soldier couldn"t keep from kissing her, because he was every inch a soldier. Then the dog took the Princess home.

Next morning when the King and Queen were drinking their tea, the Princess told them about the strange dream she"d had-all about a dog and a soldier. She"d ridden on the dog"s back, and the soldier had kissed her.

"Now that was a fine story," said the Queen. The next night one of the old ladies of the court was under orders to sit by the Princess"s bed, and see whether this was a dream or something else altogether. The soldier was longing to see the pretty Princess again, so the dog came by night to take her up and away as fast as he could run. But the old lady pulled on her storm boots and ran right after them. When she saw them disappear into a large house she thought, "Now I know where it is," and drew a big cross on the door with a piece of chalk. Then she went home to bed, and before long the dog brought the Princess home too. But when the dog saw that cross marked on the soldier"s front door, he got himself a piece of chalk and cross-marked every door in the town. This was a clever thing to do, because now the old lady couldn"t tell the right door from all the wrong doors he had marked.

Early in the morning along came the King and the Queen, the old lady, and all the officers, to see where the Princess had been.

"Here it is," said the King when he saw the first cross mark.

"No, my dear. There it is," said the Queen who was looking next door.

"Here"s one, there"s one, and yonder"s another one!" said they all. Wherever they looked they saw chalk marks, so they gave up searching.

The Queen, though, was an uncommonly clever woman, who could do more than ride in a coach. She took her big gold scissors, cut out a piece of silk, and made a neat little bag. She filled it with fine buckwheat flour and tied it on to the Princess"s back. Then she pricked a little hole in it so that the flour would sift out along the way, wherever the Princess might go.

Again the dog came in the night, took the Princess on his back, and ran with her to the soldier, who loved her so much that he would have been glad to be a Prince just so he could make his wife.

The dog didn"t notice how the flour made a trail from the castle right up to the soldier"s window, where he ran up the wall with the Princess. So in the morning it was all too plain to the King and Queen just where their daughter had been.

They took the soldier and they put him in prison. There he sat. It was dark, and it was dismal, and they told him, "Tomorrow is the day for you to hang." That didn"t cheer him up any, and as for his tinder box he"d left it behind at the inn. In the morning he could see through his narrow little window how the people all hurried out of town to see him hanged. He heard the drums beat and he saw the soldiers march. In the crowd of running people he saw a shoemaker"s boy in a leather apron and slippers. The boy galloped so fast that off flew one slipper, which hit the wall right where the soldier pressed his face to the iron bars.

"Hey there, you shoemaker"s boy, there"s no hurry," the soldier shouted. "Nothing can happen till I get there. But if you run to where I live and bring me my tinder box, I"ll give you four coppers. Put your best foot foremost."

The shoemaker"s boy could use four coppers, so he rushed the tinder box to the soldier, and-well, now we shall hear what happened!

Outside the town a high gallows had been built. Around it stood soldiers and many hundred thousand people. The King and Queen sat on a splendid throne, opposite the judge and the whole council. The soldier already stood upon the ladder, but just as they were about to put the rope around his neck he said the custom was to grant a poor criminal one last small favor. He wanted to smoke a pipe of tobacco-the last he"d be smoking in this world.

The King couldn"t refuse him, so the soldier struck fire from his tinder box, once-twice-and a third time. Zip! There stood all the dogs, one with eyes as big as saucers, one with eyes as big as mill wheels, one with eyes as big as the Round Tower of Copenhagen.

"Help me. Save me from hanging!" said the soldier. Those dogs took the judges and all the council, some by the leg and some by the nose, and tossed them so high that they came down broken to bits.

"Don"t!" cried the King, but the biggest dog took him and the Queen too, and tossed them up after the others. Then the soldiers trembled and the people shouted, "Soldier, be our King and marry the pretty Princess."

So they put the soldier in the King"s carriage. All three of his dogs danced in front of it, and shouted "Hurrah!" The boys whistled through their fingers, and the soldiers saluted. The Princess came out of the copper castle to be Queen, and that suited her exactly. The wedding lasted all of a week, and the three dogs sat at the table, with their eyes opened wider than ever before.

Сценарий сказки "Снежная Королева" на английском языке

The Snow Queen.





    The Snow Queen


    The King"s Counsellor

    Gentleman Crow

    Lady Crow



    The Old Robber Woman

    The Little Robber Girl


    5 robbers

    The servant

Scene 1

(The storyteller is sitting on the pillows in front of the fireplace)

Storyteller: If it were not for me, you would never learn what happened to a boy called Kay. But silence. Let"s begin.

(A poor room, a fireplace, 2 armchairs, rose bushes)

Gerda: Hello, boys and girls! This is my brother. We live here, in this little house with our Granny. My name is Gerda.

Kay: And my name is Kay.

Gerda: What"s it?

Kay: The stairs are creaking.

Gerda: Oh, yes! They are creaking.

Kay: Here is our Granny. Why is she knocking? Keep quite! Let"s frighten her.

Gerda: All right!

(The children are running around the room trying to hide.)

(A man enters)

Kay: Bow-wow-wow!

Gerda: Miaow-miaow!

Man: What"s going on in this house? Why are you shouting? You silly children!

Gerda: We are very sorry! We thought you were our Granny.

(Granny enters)

Kay: Granny!

Gerda: Our Granny!

Granny: My dear children!

Man: Good evening, ma"am!

Granny: Good evening, sir! What can I do for you? Who are you?

Man: I"m the King"s Counsellor! I want to buy the roses.

Granny: Do you like flowers?

Man: No, I hate them.

Granny: Why do you want to buy them then?

Man: I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare! Here are ten pounds for your roses.

Granny: I am not going to sell the roses. We like them very much.

Gerda: Yes, we love them.

Man: Thirty pounds:

Granny: No!

Man: Fifty:

Granny: No!

Man: I"m the King"s Counsellor! I"m very rich! I sell ice. I know the Snow Queen! I can buy anything!

Granny: They are not for sale.

Man: You are a crazy old woman!

Kay: Don"t shout at our Granny! She is so kind!

Man: Well, I"m leaving! I"ll take revenge! I"ll tell the Snow Queen about you!

Kay: What an angry man!

Gerda: Granny, who is the Snow Queen?

(The sounds of mysterious music)

Granny: The Snow Queen lives in the North! She is very beautiful but very cruel!

(The sounds of the blizzard)

(The Snow Queen appears)

The Snow Queen: Have you seen the Mystic Queen

Riding in her limousine

Over hills and dales till morning.

If you like I"ll take you there

Find some colours you can wear.

Colours that you"ve only seen while sleeping.

Kay: Oh! Who are you?

S.Q.: I am the Snow Queen. Good evening!

Granny: Good evening! Sit down, please!

S.Q.: No! It is very hot for me! You are very nice but old and poor. And you have two children. And I am very rich but alone. So, I"ll take this boy from you!

Kay: What? Granny! I don"t want to go with her!

Gerda: Granny! Don"t give Kay to her!

S.Q.: Kay! You"ll be my son! You will live in the beautiful palace!

Kay: I don"t want!

(The Snow Queen touches Kay with her magic wand. The frightful music sounds.)

Kay: Ha-ha-ha! How fat and funny you are!

Gerda: What"s the matter?

Granny: I don"t recognize you!

Kay: I don"t want to live in this poor house! I am leaving. Goodbye!

(He runs out)

Scene 2

Gerda: I am very tired! I have been looking for Kay for so long! But I must go on and find my brother!

(Gerda sings a sad song.)

Lady Crow: Caw! Caw! Caw! Good morning, young lady!

Gerda: Good morning!

G. Crow: Where are you going, young lady?

Gerda: I am looking for my brother Kay.

G. &L. Crow: Caw! Caw! Caw!

G. Crow: It"s the name of our prince! Go with us and you"ll see your brother!

L. Crow: Let"s go!

Gerda: Oh, thank you very much.

(In the palace. Prince and princess are playing horses.)

Prince: Stop playing this game, Elsa! I"m tired of being a horse. Let"s play another game.

Princess: Let"s play hide-and-seek!

Prince: OK. You hide and I"ll count to twenty!

(Princess is running around the room. She sees Gerda and shrieks)

Princess: Who is there?

Prince: Is it a rat?

Princess: It"s a girl and two crows.

Prince: What are you doing here, young lady? Why are you crying?

Gerda: I am Gerda. I"m crying because you are not my brother. He was carried by the Snow Queen! I thought he was here!

Prince: Don"t cry! We"ll help you! Where are you going?

Gerda: I"m going to the North. I must find the Snow Queen!

Princess: It"s a long way!

Prince: We"ll give you a carriage!

Princess: And I"ll give you a coat, a muff and boots. Give my clothes to Gerda!

(Servants come and bring the clothes.)

Gerda: Thank you very much!

Scene 3

Storyteller: Everything is all right! Gerda is going in the carriage. The poor boy will be saved. Quite! What"s there? Robbers!

(The robbers appear on the stage and perform the robbers" dance.)

(A camp of robbers in the forest. An old woman is near the fire. The robbers have brought Gerda.)

Robber 1: Look what we"ve got!

Robber 2: Here is a gold carriage!

Robber 3: And this is the girl from the carriage!

Old Woman Robber: How nice she is! I think she will be very tasty!

Gerda: Don"t kill me, please! Let me go!

Robber 4: What a silly girl! Ha-ha-ha!

Robber 5: You"ll be killed!

Gerda: Dear robbers! Please let me go! Kay will die without me!

Old Woman Robber: I"m going to eat you!

Little Robber Girl: Don"t touch her! She will be mine! She will play with me! Give me your muff and your hat! What"s your name?

Gerda: I"m Gerda. You can take my clothes but I"ll be cold when I get to the Snow Queen.

Little Girl Robber: No! You won"t go there! You will live with me! Look what I"ve got! Come, come here quickly!

(The Reindeer appears)

Little Girl Robber: Gerda, look how funny he is!

(She touches the reindeer with a knife.)

Gerda: Don"t do it, please!

Little Robber Girl: Why? I like the way it trembles all over.

Gerda: May I ask him a question?

Little Robber Girl: Yes, you may.

Gerda: Tell me, deer! Did you live in the North?

Reindeer: Oh, yes!

Gerda: Have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, I have. Once she passed me! She had a little boy with her! He was white with cold. She called him Kay.

Gerda: He has seen her. He is my brother. Dear girl! Let me go! I must save Kay! He will die in the North.

Reindeer: Do let her go! I"ll take Gerda to the Snow Queen"s Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber: All right! There is nothing to be done. I won"t give you your muff! I like it. Kiss me.

Gerda: Thank you, girl!

Reindeer: Thank you!

Little Robber Girl: Good luck, Gerda!

Gerda: Goodbye! Goodbye!

Scene 4

(The storyteller is sitting on the pillows in front of the fireplace.)

Story-teller: Oh, how sad I am! Poor Gerda! She is riding on the Reindeer. Help her to save Kay!

Gerda: Is this the kingdom of the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, it is. I can"t go farther. You must remember, the Snow Queen is very cruel and it is very difficult to get into her palace!

Gerda: I must go there! Thank you, my dear friend!

(In the palace: Kay is on the icy throne.)

Gerda: Kay, Kay! Are you frozen? Answer me!

Kay: Hush, Gerda! You are bothering me!

Gerda: Dear Kay! It"s me, Gerda! You didn"t even say to me: "Glad to see you!"

Kay: Glad to see you.

Gerda: You sound so cold. Are you really my brother?

Kay: I am really Kay. I am very busy. I must make the word out of icicles.

Gerda: Kay, let"s go home. It"s spring there. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing.

(She weeps and embraces Kay.)

Kay: I am cold, Gerda. Is it you? What"s the matter? I can walk!

Gerda: Let"s go! We will get home.

Scene 5

(The same room as in the first scene.)

Little Robber Girl: Can you hear? The stairs are creaking!

Gentleman Crow: They are coming!

Little Robber Girl: Granny, look, it"s Gerda!

Prince: Look, it"s Kay!

Princess: Granny, look, they are both here!

G. &L. Crow: Welcome home!

Granny: My dear children! You are back at last!

Snow Queen: You must give this boy back to me at once or I"ll turn you into ice.

Man: I"ll crack you into pieces.

Gerda: Nobody is afraid of you here!

Snow Queen: Oh, we"ll see!

Little Robber Girl: You can wave your arms, your legs and your tail, but we won"t give Kay to you!

Kay: Go away, you two! We are not afraid of you. Thank you, dear friends!

(Final song)

The Snow Queen.


  • Storyteller
  • Gerda
  • The Snow Queen
  • Granny
  • The King"s Counsellor
  • Gentleman Crow
  • Lady Crow
  • Prince
  • Princess
  • The Old Robber Woman
  • The Little Robber Girl
  • Reindeer
  • 5 robbers
  • The servant

Scene 1

(The storyteller is sitting on the pillows in front of the fireplace)

Storyteller: If it were not for me, you would never learn what happened to a boy called Kay. But silence. Let"s begin.

(A poor room, a fireplace, 2 armchairs, rose bushes)

Gerda: Hello, boys and girls! This is my brother. We live here, in this little house with our Granny. My name is Gerda.

Kay: And my name is Kay.

Gerda: What"s it?

Kay: The stairs are creaking.

Gerda: Oh, yes! They are creaking.

Kay: Here is our Granny. Why is she knocking? Keep quite! Let"s frighten her.

Gerda: All right!

(The children are running around the room trying to hide.)

Kay: Bow-wow-wow!

Gerda: Miaow-miaow!

Man: What"s going on in this house? Why are you shouting? You silly children!

Gerda: We are very sorry! We thought you were our Granny.

Kay: Granny!

Gerda: Our Granny!

Granny: My dear children!

Man: Good evening, ma"am!

Granny: Good evening, sir! What can I do for you? Who are you?

Man: I"m the King"s Counsellor! I want to buy the roses.

Granny: Do you like flowers?

Man: No, I hate them.

Granny: Why do you want to buy them then?

Man: I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare! Here are ten pounds for your roses.

Granny: I am not going to sell the roses. We like them very much.

Gerda: Yes, we love them.

Man: Thirty pounds:

Granny: No!

Man: Fifty:

Granny: No!

Man: I"m the King"s Counsellor! I"m very rich! I sell ice. I know the Snow Queen! I can buy anything!

Granny: They are not for sale.

Man: You are a crazy old woman!

Kay: Don"t shout at our Granny! She is so kind!

Man: Well, I"m leaving! I"ll take revenge! I"ll tell the Snow Queen about you!

Kay: What an angry man!

Gerda: Granny, who is the Snow Queen?

(The sounds of mysterious music)

Granny: The Snow Queen lives in the North! She is very beautiful but very cruel!

(The sounds of the blizzard)

(The Snow Queen appears)

The Snow Queen: Have you seen the Mystic Queen

Riding in her limousine

Over hills and dales till morning.

If you like I"ll take you there

Find some colours you can wear.

Colours that you"ve only seen while sleeping.

Kay: Oh! Who are you?

S.Q.: I am the Snow Queen. Good evening!

Granny: Good evening! Sit down, please!

S.Q.: No! It is very hot for me! You are very nice but old and poor. And you have two children. And I am very rich but alone. So, I"ll take this boy from you!

Kay: What? Granny! I don"t want to go with her!

Gerda: Granny! Don"t give Kay to her!

S.Q.: Kay! You"ll be my son! You will live in the beautiful palace!

Kay: I don"t want!

(The Snow Queen touches Kay with her magic wand. The frightful music sounds.)

Kay: Ha-ha-ha! How fat and funny you are!

Gerda: What"s the matter?

Granny: I don"t recognize you!

Kay: I don"t want to live in this poor house! I am leaving. Goodbye!

Scene 2

Gerda: I am very tired! I have been looking for Kay for so long! But I must go on and find my brother!

(Gerda sings a sad song.)

Lady Crow: Caw! Caw! Caw! Good morning, young lady!

Gerda: Good morning!

G. Crow: Where are you going, young lady?

Gerda: I am looking for my brother Kay.

G. &L. Crow: Caw! Caw! Caw!

G. Crow: It"s the name of our prince! Go with us and you"ll see your brother!

L. Crow: Let"s go!

Gerda: Oh, thank you very much.

(In the palace. Prince and princess are playing horses.)

Prince: Stop playing this game, Elsa! I"m tired of being a horse. Let"s play another game.

Princess: Let"s play hide-and-seek!

Prince: OK. You hide and I"ll count to twenty!

(Princess is running around the room. She sees Gerda and shrieks)

Princess: Who is there?

Prince: Is it a rat?

Princess: It"s a girl and two crows.

Prince: What are you doing here, young lady? Why are you crying?

Gerda: I am Gerda. I"m crying because you are not my brother. He was carried by the Snow Queen! I thought he was here!

Prince: Don"t cry! We"ll help you! Where are you going?

Gerda: I"m going to the North. I must find the Snow Queen!

Princess: It"s a long way!

Prince: We"ll give you a carriage!

Princess: And I"ll give you a coat, a muff and boots. Give my clothes to Gerda!

(Servants come and bring the clothes.)

Gerda: Thank you very much!

Scene 3

Storyteller: Everything is all right! Gerda is going in the carriage. The poor boy will be saved. Quite! What"s there? Robbers!

(The robbers appear on the stage and perform the robbers" dance.)

(A camp of robbers in the forest. An old woman is near the fire. The robbers have brought Gerda.)

Robber 1: Look what we"ve got!

Robber 2: Here is a gold carriage!

Robber 3: And this is the girl from the carriage!

Old Woman Robber: How nice she is! I think she will be very tasty!

Gerda: Don"t kill me, please! Let me go!

Robber 4: What a silly girl! Ha-ha-ha!

Robber 5: You"ll be killed!

Gerda: Dear robbers! Please let me go! Kay will die without me!

Old Woman Robber: I"m going to eat you!

Little Robber Girl: Don"t touch her! She will be mine! She will play with me! Give me your muff and your hat! What"s your name?

Gerda: I"m Gerda. You can take my clothes but I"ll be cold when I get to the Snow Queen.

Little Girl Robber: No! You won"t go there! You will live with me! Look what I"ve got! Come, come here quickly!

(The Reindeer appears)

Little Girl Robber: Gerda, look how funny he is!

(She touches the reindeer with a knife.)

Gerda: Don"t do it, please!

Little Robber Girl: Why? I like the way it trembles all over.

Gerda: May I ask him a question?

Little Robber Girl: Yes, you may.

Gerda: Tell me, deer! Did you live in the North?

Reindeer: Oh, yes!

Gerda: Have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, I have. Once she passed me! She had a little boy with her! He was white with cold. She called him Kay.

Gerda: He has seen her. He is my brother. Dear girl! Let me go! I must save Kay! He will die in the North.

Reindeer: Do let her go! I"ll take Gerda to the Snow Queen"s Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber: All right! There is nothing to be done. I won"t give you your muff! I like it. Kiss me.

Gerda: Thank you, girl!

Reindeer: Thank you!

Little Robber Girl: Good luck, Gerda!

Gerda: Goodbye! Goodbye!

Scene 4

(The storyteller is sitting on the pillows in front of the fireplace.)

Story-teller: Oh, how sad I am! Poor Gerda! She is riding on the Reindeer. Help her to save Kay!

Gerda: Is this the kingdom of the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, it is. I can"t go farther. You must remember, the Snow Queen is very cruel and it is very difficult to get into her palace!

Gerda: I must go there! Thank you, my dear friend!

(In the palace: Kay is on the icy throne.)

Gerda: Kay, Kay! Are you frozen? Answer me!

Kay: Hush, Gerda! You are bothering me!

Gerda: Dear Kay! It"s me, Gerda! You didn"t even say to me: "Glad to see you!"

Kay: Glad to see you.

Gerda: You sound so cold. Are you really my brother?

Kay: I am really Kay. I am very busy. I must make the word out of icicles.

Gerda: Kay, let"s go home. It"s spring there. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing.

(She weeps and embraces Kay.)

Kay: I am cold, Gerda. Is it you? What"s the matter? I can walk!

Gerda: Let"s go! We will get home.

Scene 5

(The same room as in the first scene.)

Little Robber Girl: Can you hear? The stairs are creaking!

Gentleman Crow: They are coming!

Little Robber Girl: Granny, look, it"s Gerda!

Prince: Look, it"s Kay!

Princess: Granny, look, they are both here!

G. &L. Crow: Welcome home!

Granny: My dear children! You are back at last!

Snow Queen: You must give this boy back to me at once or I"ll turn you into ice.

Man: I"ll crack you into pieces.

Gerda: Nobody is afraid of you here!

Snow Queen: Oh, we"ll see!

Little Robber Girl: You can wave your arms, your legs and your tail, but we won"t give Kay to you!

Kay: Go away, you two! We are not afraid of you. Thank you, dear friends!


с. Красный Курган 2007г.

Спектакль по сказке Х.-К. Андерсена

«Снежная Королева» – « The Snow Queen ».


    Заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка.

    Применить знания, умения и навыки учащихся в новой ситуации.

    Дать им возможность оценить свой уровень владения языком.

    Активизировать познавательную деятельность и творческие способности учащихся.

    Создать дружную атмосферу в группе.


2. Костюмы.

3. Афиша.

4. Цветы.

    Музыкальное сопровождение.

    Бенгальские огни, фейерверки.

The Snow Queen.




    The Snow Queen.


    The King"s Counselor.

    The Rose.



    Prince Kay.


    The Old Robber Woman.

    The Little Robber Girl.


    3 Robbers.

    The servants of the King.

Teacher’s words.

Good afternoon, Ladies & Gentlemen! Good afternoon, boys & girls! Nice to see you. Today is a special day. We are going to perform you a new play. One day I’ve heard somebody say “ I’ve been waiting impatiently for a new performance!” How do you think who it was? To tell the truth it was our headmaster! But I hope these words regard you too!

So, as for the performance, it will be the Snow Queen, a wonderful fairy-tale written by H.-Ch. Anderson. As you know he is a famous story-teller from Denmark. His fairy-tales are very interesting. By reading them we learn it be kind, hornest & friendly, to love & respect each other. I think you’ll understand what I mean by watching our “Snow Queen”.

So, let’s imagine ourselves in a faraway land of fairy-tales…

Scene I

A poor but tidy room with a fireplace and a large, frost-covered window. There are two armchairs: one by the window and the other by the fireplace, there is a rose bush in front of the stage. Kay and Gerda are in the room.

Gerda. Hallo, boys and girls! This is my brother. We live here, in

this little house with our Granny. My name is Gerda.

Kay. And my name is Kay.

The children go to the fireplace, sit down on the carpet near the fireplace and begin to look at the pictures in a book. The sound of creaking stairs.

Kay. What is it? ;

Gerda. Somebody is coming...

Kay. Oh, yes.Somebody is really coming.

Gerda. Here is our Granny. (There is a knock at the door.) Why is

She knocking? Keep quiet! Let"s frighten her and hide


Kay. All right!

Gerda hides behind the armchair near the fireplace and Kay behind the armchair near the window. The door opens and a tall thin man enters the room. He is dressed in black.

Kay. Bow-wow-wow! (Rushes from behind the armchair on fours.)

Gerda. Miaow, miaow!

Man. What is going on in this house? Why are you shouting, you

silly children?

Gerda. We are very sorry. We thought you were our Granny.

Man. What nonsense! As you can see, I am not your Granny!

(He looks around.) Where are the roses?

Gerda (in confusion). Here they are.

Man. I see. They are rather beautiful! They are in blossom.

The door opens and a clean white-haired old woman enters the room .

Kay. Granny!

Gerda. Our Granny!

Granny. My dear children... (Suddenly she sees the man and stops


Man. Good evening, ma"am,

Granny. Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

And who are you?

Man. I"m the King"s Counselor. I"ve heard about your roses,

and I want to buy them.

Granny. Do you like flowers so much?

King’s Counselor. Not at all. I hate them.

Granny. Then why do you want to buy our roses?

King"s Counselor. I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare.

That"s why I want to buy your roses.

I can see that you are very poor.

Here are ten pounds for your roses.

Granny. I am not going to sell the roses. We like them so much.

Gerda. Yes, we enjoy them greatly.

King"s Counselor. Twenty pounds.

Granny. No.

King"s Counselor. Thirty... fifty... one hundred.

Granny. No.

King"s Counselor. Oh, I see you are very sly.

Two hundred pounds for your roses!

Granny. No.

King"s Counselor. I don"t think you understand who I am, ma"am. I"ll say it again! I am the King"s Counselor. I am very, very rich. I sell ice. I know the Snow Queen herself. She helps me. I can buy everything. I"ll ask you the second time: how much are these roses?

Granny. These roses are not for sale.

King"s Counselor. Then... then you are a crazy old woman.

Kay. Don"t shout at our Granny! Everybody respects her.

She is so kind.

Gerda. Yes, yes, don"t shout at her. We love her so much.

King"s Counselor. Well, I am leaving. But I"ll take revenge on you. And it will be very soon. I"ll tell the Snow Queen about you. (Goes out of the room.)

Kay. What an angry old man!

Gerda. He wanted to take our roses. And he said that he would tell the Snow Queen about us. Granny, who is she?

Granny. The Snow Queen lives in the North in her ice palace.

She is very beautiful, but very cruel.

Kay. Granny, have you ever seen her?

Granny. No, I haven"t. But I"ve heard a lot about her.

Be calm, children!

Suddenly a beautiful woman appears in the room. She is dressed in white.

Kay. Oh, who are you?

Snow Queen. I am the Snow Queen. Good evening, all of you.

Granny. Good evening, Your Majesty. Sit down, please.

Would you like some tea?

Snow Queen. No, no! It"s too hot for me.

I want to have a talk with you, ma"am.

I was told about you. You are a very nice woman, but you are very poor. And you have two children. I suppose it must be difficult for you to bring them both up. And I am quite alone, but very rich. So, I will take this boy from you.

Kay. What?

Snow Queen. He will live with me, and he will be a son to me. Kay. Granny, I don 4 want to go with her!

Gerda. Granny, don"t give Kay to this woman.

Granny. Don"t worry, children. I will never let him go.

Kay (to the Snow Queen). Did you hear my Granny?

Snow Queen. You must think, Kay. You will be my only son.

You will live in the palace with me and I"ll give you everything you want!

Kay. No. I don"t want to leave Gerda and Granny!

Snow Queen. All right, Kay. Stay here. (Comes up to Kay and touches his chest with her magic wand.) Good-bye to you all. (To Kay.) See you soon, my boy.

Kay. (Touches his chest) Ha-ha-ha! Oh, how funny and fat you

are, Granny! And you, Gerda, you are so ugly!

Gerda. Granny, Granny, what"s the matter with him?

Granny. Kay, I don"t recognize you.

Kay. Oh, I am sick and tired of you both. I hate everything here.

I don"t want to live in this poor house. I am leaving.

Good-bye! (Runs out.).

Gerda. Kay! Kay! (Embraces her Granny and weeps.)

Scene II.

Gerda is crying near the roses.

Gerda. Oh, my God! Kay is dead! He’ll never come back!

Oh, my poor Kay!

The Rose. Don’t believe it! Don’t believe!

Gerda. Rose? Do you believe that he is alive?

The Rose. He is alive, my pretty girl! Believe me! My roots have never seen him under the ground, so Kay has never been to the Kingdom of the Death. You should find him!

Gerda. How it is strange! What’s up with me? Certainly I should find him!

The Rose. Gerda, my dear girl, listen to the sun, listen to the wind, listen to the rivers, listen to the trees, listen to all in the world, but mainly listen to your heart! Your heart is so kind, so lovely and so brave! It’s really a gold one! Go anywhere your heart wants you to go and you’ll find Kay, I know it!

Gerda. But the Snow Queen…

The Rose. Don’t be afraid of her! Go, go, my dear! Your kind heart will be able to save you both!

Gerda. Thank you, my dear Rose! I have no time to stand! I am going all around the Earth to save him! Good buy.

The Rose. Good buy Gerda, and good luck, good luck!

Scene III.

Gerda is singing “Why no replay?”

There is a stone in front of the curtain. Being extremely tired, Gerda comes slowly up to this stone and sits down on it.

Gerda. Oh, how tired I am! I"ve been looking for Kay for so long, but nobody seems to know anything about him. Now I know what it is to be lonely. I am very sad and tired, but I must go on and find my brother.

Lady-Crow and Gentleman-Crow come from behind the curtain. Gentleman-Crow speaks tonelessly and not very distinctly .

Gentleman-Crow. Caw, Caw! Good morning, young lady.

Gerda. Good morning to you.

Lady-Crow. Where are you going, young lady?

Gerda. I am looking for my brother Kay.

Gentleman-Crow and Lady-Crow (together). Caw! Caw! Caw! Lady -Crow. Oh, we happen to know this name.

It"s the name of our prince.

We live in the palace and if you want to see him,

we"ll take you there.

Gentleman-Crow. And you"ll see your brother.

Gerda. Oh, thank you very much!

Gentleman-Crow. Let"s go.

(They leave.)

Scene IV.

A hall in the King"s palace. The Prince and the Princess are playing chess.

Prince. Stop playing this game, Elza. I am tired of chess.

Let"s play another game.

Princess. Then let"s play hide-and-seek, Kay.

Prince. All right! You hide now and I"ll count up to twenty! I"ll begin now: one, two, three...

He turns back and counts. The Princess is running round the hall, searching for shelter. Suddenly she sees Gerda and the two Crows. The Princess shrieks with fear and jumps to one side.

Princess. Oh, who"s there?

Prince. Is it a rat?

Princess. No, it is not a rat. It"s a little girl and two Crows.

Prince. What are you doing here, young lady? How did you get here? And why are you crying?

Gerda. My name is Gerda. I am crying because you are not my brother Kay. He was carried away by the Snow Queen. The Crows have told me that my brother has become a prince and that he lives in the palace. That"s why I am here! (She sighs.) But I see now that the Crows were mistaken!

Prince. Don"t cry, Gerda. We"ll help you. Where will you go from here?

Gerda. I"ll go farther, to the North. I must find the Snow Queen.

Princess. But that"s a long way. Gerda, Never mind, Г am not afraid.

Prince. I think I know what to do. We"ll give her a carriage.

Princess (clapping her hands). What a brilliant idea! A gold carriage!

Prince. And you, Elza, give her a coat, a hat, fur boots and a muff! Princess. With great pleasure. I have lots of them. (To the servants.) Bring my clothes for Gerda!

The servants bring the Princess"s clothes and give them to Gerda.

Gerda. Thank you very much!

Scene V.

Gerda is singing “Why no reply?”

Suddenly a piercing whistle is heard.

Gerda. Kay! Kay!

A camp of robbers in the forest. The Old Woman Robber is sitting near the fire. There is a lot of noise and shouting, a group of robbers appears. They have brought Gerda.

1st Robber. Look what we"ve got!

2nd Robber. Here is a gold carriage!

1st Robber. And this is the girl from the carriage!

Old Woman Robber. Hey! Hey! Stop talking! Show me it!

1st Robber. This girl is a princess I know!

Old Woman Robber. Princess?

2nd Robber. Yes! Yes! Look here!

Old Woman Robber. Oh, how nice and fat she is! I think she will be very tasty. (Takes out a knife.)

Gerda. Don"t kill me, please! Wait a little. Take my muff, my hat, my coat, and my fur boots. Only let me go.

2nd Robber. What a silly girl!

1st Robber. (To Gerda). You"ll be killed!

Gerda. Dear robbers, listen to me, please. Don"t laugh at me. Let me go. Kay will die without me and he is a very, very good boy. (Through tears.) Please, I beg you. Let me go.

1st Robber and 2nd Robber. No, no come here!

Old Woman Robber. No, I"m going to eat you up!

3rd Robber. Come to me, my dear, come, come…

She raises her hand. At that moment a pretty, healthy, black-haired girl rushes in.

Little Girl Robber. Don"t touch her! Oh, what a nice girl! She will play with me. She will be mine.

2 nd Robber. No, she will be mine.

3rd Robber. No, mine. I want to play with her too.

She will be my doll!

Old Woman Robber . (To the robbers.) All of you go away or I"ll kill you, I give her to my daughter.

Little Girl Robber. (To Gerda.) Oh, how pretty you are! You"ll be my friend. Give me your muff, your coat and your hat. What is your name, girl?

Gerda. Gerda. You can take my clothes, but I am afraid I"ll be very cold when I get to the Snow Queen"s Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber (stamping her foot). No! You won"t go there... You will live with me. Look what I"ve got. (She whistles.) Come, come here quickly! (The Reindeer appears.) Gerda, look, how funny he is. (She gets a big knife out and touches the Reindeer"s neck.)

Gerda. Oh, please, don"t do it.

Little Girl Robber. But why? I like the way he trembles all over.

Gerda (to the Little Girl Robber). May I ask him a question?

Little Girl Robber. Yes, you may.

Gerda. Tell me, Reindeer, did you live in the North?

Reindeer. Oh, yes. (Sighs.)

Gerda. And have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer. Yes, I have.

Gerda. He has seen he:

Reindeer. Yes, I have seen her. Once she passed me. She had a little boy by her side. He was white with cold, but he was smiling. The Snow Queen called him Kay.

Gerda. Kay, it was Kay! He is my brother. Oh, dear girl, let me go, please. I must save Kay. He was white with cold. He will die there, in the North. If you don’t leave me, it will be crime!

Reindeer. Do let her go. I"ll take Gerda to the Snow Queen"s Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber. But Love is no crime! Come here!

She is singing “Love is no crime”. Everybody is dancing.

Little Girl Robber. All right! There is nothing to be done. Take
your coat and your hat. But I won"t give you your muff "I like it myself. And you should dance, then you can go.

Gerda is dancing.

Little Girl Robber. Kiss me. Good luck, Gerda!

Gerda. Thank you, girl. (Kisses her.) Good-bye! Good-bye!

Scene VI.

The head of the Reindeer appears in the middle of the curtain. He looks around and doesn"t go any farther. Gerda follows him.

Gerda. Tell me, Reindeer; is this the Kingdom of the Snow Queen? Reindeer. Yes, it is. But I can"t go any farther. Aren"t you afraid to go there?

Gerda. Certainly, I am. But I have to go and set my brother free. Reindeer. There is one thing you must remember. The Snow Queen is very cruel and it is very difficult to get into the palace.

Gerda. Nevertheless I will go there.

Reindeer. Hurry up, then! The Snow Queen is out today. (Disappears.)

Gerda (shouts). Thank you, my dear friend!

Scene VII.

The Snow Queen is sitting on her throne.

Kay is sitting on the small chair.

Snow Queen. Kay, my boy! How are you? Oh, you quite frozen I see. It’s good, very good! This night I have been flying over the land, and how do think, what I’ve seen? A little silly girl Gerda by name.

Kay. Gerda?

Snow Queen. Gerda, Gerda! Ha-ha-ha! Poor girl! She is so crazy that wants to be a rival of mine! I know she has gone a long way to my Kingdom and very soon she will be here, very soon… Kay, my dear, do you hear? Gerda! She wants to take you away of me, to deprive you of this wonderful life at my Kingdom. If you go away with Gerda, you’ll never see this palace, this world and me! Do you want to leave me, Kay?

Kay. No, you are my Queen! But, Gerda… Who is she?

Snow Queen. Excellent! You really have forgotten her! Stand up, Kay, come to me, please. This is anew quiz for you. You must make the word “Eternity” out of this icicles and I’ll give you the whole world as a present and a pair of skates.

Kay. O.K.

Snow Queen. Now I am leaving you. I should whitewash everything a little. Winter is my season, my time, you see…Oh! Snow is very useful for grapes and lemons. See you soon, Kay!

The Snow Queen is singing “Winter Time”.

Scene VIII.

The hall in the Snow Queen"s palace. Kay is sitting on a big throne. He is pale. He is playing with icicles.

Gerda. Kay, dear Kay; it"s me!

Kay. Yes, I see.

Gerda. Kay, have you forgotten me?

Kay. No. I never forget anything.

Gerda. How can you speak to me in such a way? You didn"t even

say to me "Glad to see you".

Kay. Glad to see you.

Gerda. You sound so cold and far away. I"ve been looking for you

all over the world and now I am even afraid to come up to you. Are

you really my brother Kay?

Kay. I am really Kay, but I am very busy now. 1 must make the word ETERNITY out of the icicles. And the Snow Queen will give me the whole world as a present and a pair of skates.

Gerda. Kay, my silly boy, let"s go home. I can"t leave you here, all alone. I don"t like it here. You just remember. It"s spring now. The sky is blue. The sun is shining.

Kay. You... you are disturbing me.

King’s Counselor. What’s up here?

Gerda. I want Kay to go with me. You’ve stolen his life!

King’s Counselor. It’s his life, his problems, girl!

Kay. It’s my life!

They are singing “It’s my Life”.

Gerda. Kay, let"s go away!

Gerda is singing “Come back & Stay”.

Gerda. Our Granny is waiting for us. She"s been waiting for you all this time. (Weeps and embraces Kay.)

Kay. Our Granny! (He shivers.) I am cold, Gerda. Is it you? What"s the matter with you? Why are you crying? How did you get here? (Looks around.) It"s so cold here. (He tries to stand up and walk, but his legs won"t obey him.) I can"t walk.

Gerda. You can. Let"s go. Never mind your legs. You"ll learn to walk. We will get home. (Takes off her fur coat and puts it on Kay"s shoulders.)

Scene IX.

The same room as in Scene 1. Granny is sitting in the armchair knitting. The Little Girl Robber, the Prince, the Princess and the Crows are in the room.

Granny. I"ve been, waiting and waiting for them for such a long time. But I feel that tonight my children will come back at last.

Old Woman Robber. Can you hear? The stairs are creaking.

Gentleman-Crow. They are coming!

Princess. The stairs are creaking so merrily.

The door opens and Kay and Gerda rush into the room holding each other by their hands.

Little Girl Robber. Granny, look, this is Gerda!

Princess. Granny, look, this is Kay!

1 st Robber. Welcome home!

Granny. My dear children! You have come back at last! (Embraces the children.)

The door opens and the Snow Queen and the King"s Counselor dash into room.

Snow Queen. You must give this boy back to me at once or I"ll turn you into ice!

King"s Counselor. And after that I"ll crack you all into pieces and sell you.

Snow Queen. Kay, you must go with me?

Gerda, Prince, Princess, Gentleman-Crow, Lady-Crow and the Little Girl Robber take each other by hands and fence Kay in. Granny embraces him.

Gerda. Nobody is afraid of you here. You can"t turn people with warm hearts into ice.

Snow Queen. Oh, we"ll see! (Raises her hands. The whistle and the howling of the wind is heard.)

3 rd Robber. You can wave arms, your legs and your tail, but we won"t give you Kay.

Prince. And I am not cold at all.

The Rose. Usually I catch a cold easily, and now I haven"t even got a running nose.

Snow Queen. Kay! Words don’t come easy to me…

She is singing “Words”.

Old Woman Robber. You are lying!Shame on you!

Gerda. You can’t love!

The Rose. Your heart is ice!

Snow Queen. What do you mean by this?

Granny. You even don’t know what the love is!

Snow Queen. How dare you? What a nuisance! It’s a bit thick!

King"s Counselor. I’ll do you!

Gerda. Go away, you, two! We are not afraid of you.

Snow Queen. For Heaven’s sake! But, Kay, my boy! You’ll be sorry I know it! Alas, my friend! It will be too late! There are millions of children on our planet, the Earth! They will be glad to live with me at my wonderful Kingdom, you see?! I can find somebody else! Let’s go!

The King"s Counselor and the Snow Queen step back and go away. Gerda takes Kay by his hand.

Gerda. What a wander! I can’t believe my eyes!Thank you, dear friends. I would have never been
able to save Kay without your help. Now we all know that goodness
defeats evil and friendship works miracles.

Teacher’s words.

Dear friends, as you know a friend in need is a friend indeed. I think there are people in our modern life who are ready to sacrifice their life for the sake of love & friendship. I mean the real friends. We wish you to have such a good friend as Gerda & to be better friend than she!

As they say all is well that ends well! That’s all. You see now the power of real love & friendship. We hope you’ve liked this wonderful fairy-tale & you keep our play in your mind for a long time! We say good-bay to you! Thank you for your attention. See you again !


Do what you like

Day and night

Just believe in your feelings

Give him your hand

And you soon understand

Love come straight

From his heart.

Love is no crime

Life is to love

All the time

As long as the world

is still alive, baby!

Love is no crime

Love is for you

Hold on tight

Tight to your dreams

and you will see

Love is no crime!

Come back and stay.

Walk in the rain

Trying to wash away the pain

You went away

You made me cry so many days.

Come back and stay, don’t keep me waiting

Come back and stay, don’t say goodbye

Don’t let my love die.

Come back and stay and try again.

Don’t walk away for I am still your friend.

Where are you now, where did you go.

Come back and stay, I miss you so!

Walk in the rain

Thinking about the game I play

I am to blame

I lost my Lovin’ yesterday.


It’s my life

Take it or leave it

It’s my life

Set me free

So you bed

So you lie

What you see

Is what you get

I got my life

You got your life

Live your life

And set me free.

Mind your business

And leave my business.

Stop bugging me,

Stop bothering me,

Stop bugging me,

Stop forcing me,

Stop fighting me,

Stop yelling me

It"s my life!

It’s my life! It’s my life, my worries!

It’s my life! It’s my life, my problems!